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The pg_trans class

This is the class to use for starting and ending transactions or subtransactions.
Subtransactions are a new feature of PostgreSQL v8.0 and are implemented by issuing SAVEPOINT and ROLLBACK TO... commands. The feature needs to be activated by setting the nested_transactions option to true in the pg_cnx object.

Public functions

pg_trans (pg_cnx& cnx)
Default Constructor. If the connexion is not already in a transaction, a SQL BEGIN command is issued to the server, starting a new transaction.
Otherwise, if nested transactions are not available, nothing is done, else a SQL SAVEPOINT command is issued, thus starting a subtransaction.
[virtual] ~pg_trans ()
Destructor. If the commit() function has not been called, a rollback() is implicitly issued, aborting the transaction or subtransaction.
void commit()
The transaction or subtransaction is commited.
void rollback()
The transaction or subtransaction is rolled back. Note that it is useless to issue a rollback after a SQL error, because the PostgreSQL server will have rolled back the current [sub]transaction even before the application code knows about it.

Usage patterns

Top level transactions

A programmer should use top level transactions to have a set of SQL statements affect the database in a "all or nothing" way. The overall performance of a set of SQL statements is also better while inside a transaction since the writes are not commited until the end of the transaction.

Nested transactions

A programmer can use subtransactions to implement a local commit-or-not strategy inside a function, while letting the caller function decide if the overall updating must be commited or not, depending on the error that happened. Here is an example that makes use of pg_trans and pg_excpt to isolate the main database code from an error happening while logging an event:
int newlog(pg_cnx& cnx,const char* txt)
  pg_trans tr;
  try {
    pg_stream s("INSERT INTO logtable(txt,event_date) VALUES(:p,now())", cnx);
    s << txt;
  catch(pg_excpt e) {
    return 0;   // no need to rollback
  tr.commit();    // commit if no error happpened
  return 1; // OK

int process(pg_cnx& cnx)
  pg_trans trans;
  cnx.set_option("nested_transactions", true);
  // ... do database processing ...
  if (!newlog(cnx, "logmessage")) {
    std:cerr << "warning: log failed (processing continues)\n";
  // ... do more database processing ...
It is to be noted that the code doesn't have to be different to deal with transactions compared with subtransactions, since it is the current sql context that tells which one should be used.
In the previous example, if newlog() was called while no transaction was in progress, the pg_trans object would issue a top-level transaction and its behavior would be similar.

Not using pg_trans

A programmer wanting to use transactions without resorting to pg_trans in order to have more control can simply issue these sql statements:
pg_stmt("BEGIN") will start a top-level transaction
pg_stmt("END") will commit a top-level transaction
pg_stmt("ROLLBACK") will rollback a top-level transaction
pg_stmt("SAVEPOINT s") will start a subtransaction
pg_stmt("RELEASE SAVEPOINT s") will commit a subtransaction
pg_stmt("ROLLBACK TO s") will rollback a subtransaction
Note that the savepoint name pgs_s is reserved for pgstream use.
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